If you’re asking yourself the question “why is my wife crazy?” always, then there is a problem in your marriage that must be solved immediately. You cannot help but wonder what actually happened if your love life has begun to exhibit signs of conflict and has grown so bad that you’d prefer not to speak to your wife. You may have referred to your wife as crazy more often, if you feel constricted or bound by continuous expectations and nags.
12 Signs That Your Wife Is Crazy.
- She doesn’t trust you with any chores or anything.
- She speaks disrespectfully to you and uses bad words.
- She never listens to you when you talk.
- She always complains about everything.
- She never takes responsibility for her actions.
- She doesn’t do any chores at home.
- She fights with you for no reason.
- She is jealous.
- She is stubborn and neglects you.
- She doesn’t respect what you bring in to the marriage.
- She tries to dominate you.
- She might withhold sex.
Why Is My Wife So Grouchy All the Time?
- Her hormones are hyped.
Women’s mood is altered within seconds due to fluctuations in hormonal levels in the body such as oxytocin, estrogen and progesterone. These fluctuations are pretty common in women and can cause anxiety, depression, grouchiness and tiresome.
- She could be on her periods
When your wife is on her periods its obvious that her hormones are fluctuating and it can cause serious mood swings which could make her grouchy and that may portray as a crazy wife when you look at her behaviors.
- She lacks personal space
A marriage with a healthy environment may be wonderful. When you’re emotionally attached to your wife, you may support her throughout the difficulties of life. However, you must occasionally give her some personal space. After all we’re all individual human beings. In the long term, it may be beneficial to a marriage to give your wife some personal space and a break once in a while.
- She feels that you are dominating her
If you’re a dominant husband, she might feel stuck in her own world. She might feel like that you’re making decisions about her life and that she has no voice in the marriage. So, she might try to dominate you by being grouchy and depressed all the time.
- She’s doing everything at home
A woman is not working a 9 to 5 job but rather a 24/7 job at home. That’s a lot of pressure to handle by a single woman. She has to cook, clean, and do all the chores at home while being a lovely wife and an amazing mom. Meanwhile she might lose some of her temper and you might feel like your wife is crazy in spite of this.
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How Do I Deal with A Crazy Wife?
- Try to find why she is crazy
Look at this problem in her view. Try to find the root cause of her anger and weird behavior. Only by finding what makes her crazy, you can find solutions to this problem. Try to talk and communicate with her politely.
- Understand her
Despite the saying, “it’s impossible to understand women” getting to know your wife and understanding her emotions and feelings is critical to solve this problem. Give her a chance to speak and discuss. You must understand that she might need some personal space, that she might have anxiety issues or even depression. You must understand her first to be a supportive husband.
- Don’t argue with her
Arguing and verbally abusing each other is the last thing your marriage needs at this point. Instead have productive discussions with her about the future or any topic interested. Spend some quality time with her once in a while. All this craziness could be because you’re not giving enough attention to her. So, spend time with her doing things you guys like.
- Help her with household chores
She could be acting crazy because of the excessive workload and less help. Help her cook, clean and take care of children and support her. Show her that she is not alone and spend some quality time while doing chores.
- Do something fun
She might be bored at home and stressed about life. Try to distract her by having fun. Maybe go for a walk, go on a trip, watch a movie together, go to the beach, try new things, cook your favorite dinner, go on dates, go on picnics, read books together etc. Show her that you love her like you used to and that life is not boring with you.
What Is Walkaway Wife Syndrome?
The walkaway wife syndrome is the when a wife leaves her husband unexpectedly due to her unhappiness and stress. This could be because the husband negligence, too much work load, stress, depression and anxiety.
Why Am I So Mean to My Boyfriend?
If you have ever wondered why is my wife crazy? then first check for the signs she may display. She might be angry all the time, neglect you and disrespect you all the time no matter what good you bring in to the marriage. There could be various reasons behind her crazy behavior like her hormones, periods, something you do or too much work on her plate. In that case you must be very patient and try to understand why your wife acts crazy. Then try to take appropriate actions and discuss with her and try to calm her down. Show her that you love her. You can make her your lovely wife like she used to be back again by supporting her and loving her.
- What are signs of walkaway wife syndrome?
She might display anger, frustration, depressed attitude, jealousy, unsatisfaction etc.
- Why does my wife act crazy?
It could be because she feels neglected or dominated
It could be because she feels neglected or dominated by her husband, she might be feeling stressed with all the workload at home and taking care of the kids or she might be simply bored in the marriage because there’s no excitement left.