How to stop getting hard around my girlfriend? Let’s talk about it from a girls’ perspective. Let’s see why you get hard around your girlfriend first 😉
Why do you get hard when she’s around you? It can be because of her smile, her touch, maybe she’s so attractive or it can be without any reason. Let’s break this out!
Is it normal getting hard around my girlfriend?
Actually, it is so typical to get an erection when you’re with someone you love or are impressed with. Every man gets erections. If not, that’s a major issue 🙂

What do girls think about getting hard when you’re around her?
This depends on a few factors. Which are her mood, the location you’re in, how long you two have been together, and many more. If she’s in a good mood she’s gonna love it 🙂 and will say some funny or flirty stuff for you. If you guys are in public, it’s kinda awkward to have an erection in front of everyone. If you guys have been together for a long time, she’s not gonna bother you with it because you guys understand each other. If she’s not gonna like it that would be an issue so that’s why we are here to help you on how to stop getting hard around my girlfriend.
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How to stop getting hard around my girlfriend

First of all, do you always think about having sex with her? If that’s the reason that you get an erection when you’re with her, you should stop thinking about that. Can’t help with that? Try masturbating before you meet her.
If you get hard when she’s kissing you, that’s totally fine and she won’t feel bad too. If you’re not in a private place like on a home couch, you should try to keep it low. The best thing you can do is wear dark color jeans when you’re going to meet her. It’s better if the jeans are not tight and the thickness is high.
If you’re with her in a cold place or under an air conditioner, it won’t be easy to get that erection down. So you should go out for a call or something and come back when it’s done. If not drinking a cup of tea or hot water can be helpful.
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To all of you who are taking this serious,
If you’re girlfriend really loves you more than anything, she’s gonna smile at you and be proud of you. You’re impressed and on her and not any other women. You can’t control erections at all because that happens because of your feelings and nobody can hide feelings. They’re gonna come out one way or another.
If I was your girlfriend, I would say “It’s okay to get hard because of me. Let others see that you’re in love with me and that you’re impressed on me”.
Hope you find what you were looking for. You can’t control getting hard but you can try those tricks to get it down quickly as possible. Follow us for more articles on dating and relationship issues. Have a great day folks!