Every girl loves a man who can get her beauty out of a photograph. So every guy should be good at it for sure. That’s why we built you an amazing list of rules to follow when taking a photograph using any mobile phone(IOS or Android).
Photography Tips to take good pictures of my girlfriend
- Use the Rule of Third (Turn on the Grid)

Go to your camera setting and turn on the Grid. Rule of the Third is the reason for that grid. Instead of placing your girl in the middle, try placing her on a vertical grid line (Just like the tower in that picture above). It’ll make her fully focused and brightly, especially in portrait mode. Just in case, take one and then get her opinion on the placing.
- Always check the lighting
No point in taking a picture if it’s not clear. It shouldn’t be too dark or too bright. First, check the direction the light is coming. Don’t ever let her face her back in that direction. That will block the light and make the photo dark. If it’s a bulb, don’t keep her closer to that. Tell her to face the lights’ direction but not right in front of it. That’s will give the best lighting on her and make the photo clear as crystal.
- Choose a good background

This depends on your environment. If you’re in an outdoor environment, you can pretty much use anything because of the natural beauty. If you’re in an indoor environment, you’ll have to choose a background that doesn’t distract her.
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How do I take good pictures of my partner?
- Let her/him do it first (Learn from her/him)

Tell her to take a photo of you first and observe it. You’ll get an idea of how she wants her picture to be taken. Just follow her steps and do it.
photo viewers or maybe a pole ahead of her. If she wants to use a wall as the background, make sure to check it with her dress colors. If she’s wearing a dark dress, choose a light background. If she’s wearing a light dress, choose a dark background.
- Check her/his old photos
The best way is to check your partners’ old photos posted on social media. If he/she is posting it on social media, it should be how he/she likes it.
If you follow those steps and tips carefully, you’ll be a photography superstar to your girlfriend. Follow those and let us know how it goes. Wish you the best of luck with your love life.