You will get an extremely detailed guide with 7 steps on How to get a Girlfriend and also Keep in touch with us follow our guides to make your life easier. This is just a friendly guide like bro to bro advices. We know your situation and that’s why we give brother to brother advices to our followers.
How to get a Girlfriend in just 7 Easy Steps
- How to get a Girlfriend Step 01: Meet Girls

First of all, stop trying to get a girlfriend because you can’t get a girlfriend that you want if you try to get one. You have to get to know girls first. So, you have to stay around girls. Meet girls in your university and invite them to events. Meet them on weekends or Friday nights because we all love Friday nights 😉 Talk with girls and get to know about their interests, what they want and what they don’t need. Just continue this for few weeks and you’ll meet lots of girls with different qualities. Remember, this exercise isn’t for just one girl because You can get more and more girls if you follow the steps patiently. Make sure to be confident and not shy around girls. They like men with confidence.
- How to get a Girlfriend Step 02: Figure out the Reason

If you completed the first step nicely, now you have many girlfriends. You can meet more people through those girlfriends. By this time, you have met many girls with different interests and behaviors. Now you have to figure out why you need a girlfriend. There can be many reasons for that such as getting married, one night stands or to get a best friend. Let’s continue this on the topic of getting married because that’s most of you are interested. Now you know the reason you need a girlfriend. Let’s jump into the process of finding the right person to be your life partner.
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- How to get a Girlfriend Step 03: Choosing the right one

You’re looking a girl to be your life partner and hopefully marry in the future because We all need a partner for our life. Let’s list down the qualities that your partner should have. If she’s going to stay with you forever, there are 3 main things that she should have. She must be loyal, patient and most importantly she should be your best friend that you can share anything with her anytime. First you have to choose few girls from your circle that you like because everyone has their own likes and dislikes on the first appearance. After selecting few girls you should test one by one for those qualities mentioned above. Share secrets with her and see how she reacts to them. They’re best friends anyway but you can’t test loyalty without getting extremely close. Try to pick the best one that will stay with you forever.
- How to get a Girlfriend Step 04: Make her feel Special

Now you have your dream girl / future wife selected. It’s time to get her attention and keep her on your radar. Best way to get her attention is making her feel special when other girls are around.
- When you’re ordering something, ask her opinion first.
- If you’re sitting somewhere invite her to sit beside you.
- If she’s sitting somewhere, ask her permission to sit beside her.
- Ask her phone number(WhatsApp) / Snapchat / IG
- If you have a car, drop and pick her from her place (Always try to get her alone)
- Always help her if she needs anything
These are some of the things that you can do to get her attention.
- How to get a girlfriend over text Step 05: Text / Call Her

This is the most important part that will make her feelings fall for you. Everyone in this world have problems in their lives and everyone needs someone to release the stress by talking with them. You need to be her stress reliever and also Remember, all you have to do is listening to her. Listen and let her know that you got her back whatever happens. Start the day with a “Good Morning <3” and end the day with a “Good Night <3”. Talk with her every night and also don’t forget to grab topics like family background and her future targets. The way you do this will change everything between you two. She will start to call her whenever she feels lonely and that’s exactly what you need, right? Keep rocking with what you doing bro!
- How to get a Girlfriend Step 06: Meet Her more often

If you did the previous step nice and clean, she will meet you more often because you’re her stress reliever and her best friend. She can tell you anything without any doubt. Meet her more often and eat together or go to movies and also always try to surprise her with the things she like. Don’t forget to grab her likes and dislikes while talking and texting. Keep the on your mind and surprise her at the right time and also don’t forget to always make eye contact with her. Look into her eyes directly when talking and listening. Those eye contacts will make her heart melt for you 😉 Good job! Let’s move on to the final step and let’s get her trapped 😉
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- Step 07: Ask Her Out

This is final and the most important step that you should do very carefully with the best timing. If you did the previous steps correct, now she’s waiting for you to ask out for sure because you have won her heart. Follow these steps one by one. Choose a place, choose a date and choose a dress. What a Dress? Yes, it’s important more than you think.
When you’re choosing a place make sure it’s not a crowded place. It should be a calm place where you two can talk in freedom. It’s much better if you can choose a place that’s means to her. Somewhere like the place you met for the first time or her favorite location. Date is all yours but if you can find a special date like her birthday, her mom’s or dad’s birthday that’s way better. Nothing must be extremely expensive. Money isn’t important but her feelings. Meet her somewhere and take her to the place. Look at her eyes and tell her how much she means to you. Go for it brother, ask her out!
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If you follow those 7 Simple steps on How to Get a Girlfriend, you gonna end with a nice girl that will stay with you forever.
Good Luck 😉